Southeast Asia is home to many adventure sports and activities you rarely find back home. While scuba diving is among the most well known, Kampot has some of the perfect conditions for kiteboarding.

For centuries, the Kampong Bay estuary near Kampot has been a barrier for maritime traffic. Its shallow waters have kept large boats from accessing the town’s port, and stopped Kampot from becoming one of the great ports in the region.
However, today, those same shallow estuaries, waist-high waters, and steady seasonal winds have earned it a reputation today as one of Southeast Asia’s best kiteboarding destinations.

For more than 15 years, Cambodia Kiteboarding has made the most of these ideal conditions, offering tourists of all skill levels the opportunity to experience kitesurfing. They provide beginner lessons, advanced training, and even tandem rides with a professional for those seeking the thrill without the learning curve.

If you’re interested in a unique experience you’ll never forget while in Kampot, be sure to check out Cambodia Kiteboarding